Dieses Grill besteht aus sechs Zähnen im Oberkiefer mit Brillantbesatz und ist in 18k* Gelb-, Rosé- oder Weißgold erhältlich.
Wir verwenden ausschließlich Diamanten mit einem Reinheitsgrad von vvs für unsere iced out Grillz. Je nach Größe der Zähne, fassen wir bis zu 100 Diamanten auf einem einzelnen Zahn.
We guarantee the best wearing comfort, accuracy of fit and a high-quality look due to the individual position of the teeth - so-called deepcuts.
All of our 18k Grillz are custom made based on your dental impression and finished by our certified dental technicians to achieve the best possible result.
With every order, you automatically receive a free DIY kit for your silicone impression. You can either take it yourself or have it taken by your dentist.
Please note: We can only make your custom dental jewelry to fit you perfectly if your impression has been taken cleanly. You can find out more about this under DIY Kit.
*The karat number tells you how much fine gold your piece of jewelry contains. For 18 karat gold (also known as 750 gold), the percentage of fine gold is 75%.
All prices shown incl. 19% VAT.
Lieferzeit 6-8 Wochen nach Erhalt des Abdrucks.